Card Counting Legend Tommy Hyland – Exclusive Interview

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Legendary card counter, Tommy Hyland, sat down with us and shared the following:
– How he got into card counting
– How he continues to beat casinos year after year
– His best advice for new card counters
– His thoughts on card counting today

Get access to our FREE Card Counting Mini-Course:

Source: YouTube

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Card Counting Legend Tommy Hyland – Exclusive Interview

10 thoughts on “Card Counting Legend Tommy Hyland – Exclusive Interview

  1. Thanks for opportunity to listen the best of the best 🙂 Great interview. I just strarted my journey playing 21

  2. When faced with a backoff/89:
    1. Don't say anything to anyone.
    2. Don't let them take you to a backroom or everywhere out of public view – resist forcibly if necessary!
    3. Don't show ID.
    4. Grab your chips and leave. Come back later after a shift change or at a later date to cash them.
    Never forget: Casino security are like cops, they think they're above the law and won't hesitate to love you up. Casinos regularly have to pay massive payouts to settle lawsuits from customers.

  3. "You can't bet black chips if you have five to $10,000" I thought as a general rule you needed to have 100 times your maximum bet, so wouldn't a black chip be okay to bet?

  4. Check out our interview with two long time members of the church team:

  5. The man said one guy he knows is a billionaire playing blackjack…. im not watching this vid

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