Blackjack Tips Information & Video Source:
You step up to a blackjack table to count cards, but you see the dealer putting the cards in a big, funny machine. If you’re interested in card counting, it’s essential to know whether the game you’re playing is beatable or not. We break down the different kinds of shuffle machines and how each type will impact card counting.
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Source: YouTube

Hi guys,
Excuse me for my bad english, but i have been playing some BJ at online sites. There are about 6 decks in the shoe and they show about 50% is there any winning option where i can count cards? Or is it not?
Greetings from holland!
What if l play a perfect basic strategy?
forgot to mention that the machine feeds put hands to players or dealers
omg EVERY poker game , and every black jack table, and baccarat game in my local casino got CSM´s in theyr tables I loose some important money …. Didnt notice this… omg ,jesus… so counting is useless against this automatic shuffle machines …. so that means we cant play again ever again this machines?? I am shure this machines got algotithms that favor the house , its worse than the old shoe, with a camera inside!!….this video is from 2014 this machines got a weakness today ? thank you guys I cant certainly know how many deck of cards they got becose the machine is all black , oh boy deppending on the answer from the experts this is a unwinnable gam the house get the best cards! damn casino cheaters, still I see some lucky guys that double or even triple theyr gains against this machines… I am prety shure the casino are cheating! the good news is that they dont got a ASM , the got a trate of cards I need more data if the desk card trate is 25% is bad so its at 80% is good right? damn tecnology is our worst enemy helping the house to win even more… guys this IS THE MOSt important video of all, counting WAS good against casino shoes but CSMs ARE unbeatable , the old mith that blackjack favor the player 2016 is a lie its even worst than the old shoe , hope the pros clear this for me…. terrible
I think you guys need to take an apprenticeship in YouTube video presentation.
what about 2, 6 deck non continuous shuffle machine? is that any good??
I actually sided with the casino on this using CSM thing. The casino game is for fun, then CSM makes a game become a game once again. since we all know that card counting works, but it actually doesn't can make you a big money like in the movie. I think, a player should be a player have fun. go back and live their lives become business men, husbands, or wives. since CSM make the casino/player to play more game per hour than shoe games, then it serves the purpose of a casino.
so, I made my point. CSM would make the purpose of a casino be more casino… ^ ^ the losing of the players are to pay their cost, wages, managements… So, if you come to have fun, you know the house edge, so don't bet big if you couldn't afford it.
But one more thing, as I often play in Macau, which has much better rules than in Vegas, from what I have heard online. Even though they use CSM but all other rules are very much favor the players.
Here are BJ table rules in Macau.
"All BJ use CSM"
+ Dealer stand on All 17
+ Blackjack Pays 3 to 2
+ Split any 2 cards
+ Surrender allowed
+ European (American) Rule -_-; (It is what I define that Dealer has no hole card don't peek for Blackjack but if he doesn't get a blackjack, player will only lose their original bets)
from what I calculated EV is around ~ -0.49%
I'm not going against BJ card counters since I also know that card counting is not illegal. But I just say that it is their right to do too, to use CSM and it makes the game fairer you'll get better rules, and I actually encourage the casinos to use CSM with good rules.
Do you guys know if CSM's have ever been tested for bias? I'd be curious to see an experiment that fed the discard tray with nothing but jokers. If the machine is truly random, the jokers should be dealt back out at a rate roughly proportional to their composition in the shoe. Too high a rate would suggest the machine favors the discards and vice versa.
There is a way to count cards on csm.. It works on bias and many players in Asia has beaten it..
It's very arrogant of you to ask non-card-counters to boycott the games with CSMs. WTF do you think they owe YOU? You should be groveling at their feet, not asking them to do FAVORS for you. YOU routinely steal from them. And don't you deny it, I have seen you ENCOURAGE this behavior…… every time you wong in or wong out (mid shoe entry or exit), you are stealing from the other players at the table, not merely taking it from the house. If someone else is playing and you step in halfway through his shoe because you watched over his shoulder as he played and the count got high, he'll get 2/3 as many hands out of the 2nd half of the shoe as he would have without your interference, and that's the portion where he is at an advantage….. not being a card counter merely means he won't KNOW he is being expedited through the advantageous portion of the shoe…. but YOU will. It's like stealing money from a blind man and reassuring yourself that it's not immoral because he can't see you do it. Same thing when you leave before the end of the shoe when the count goes super negative, to leave him to play MORE hands than he would have played if you had stayed through the end, he'll get more hands out of the BAD cards and lose money. So no, non-card-counters should EMBRACE CSMs and RESENT those that wong in and wong out because the CSMs will keep the card counters away and by and large, card counters are POISON to the other players, it's obscenely offensive to expect them to do you any favors in return for what you do to them. This is why I almost never do it when there's someone else at the game. I'll leave halfway through a shoe if the count is super negative if I'm the only one there, because I know they'll shuffle when I go, and I will NEVER wong in i.e. mid shoe enter. Because I'm not there to STEAL from the other players. If someone else is there, I will generally only leave in the middle of the shoe if the count is 0 or insignificantly different from 0, or if I felt I did something to really deserve credit with them…. like once, I got another player to hit on a soft 16 when he tried to stand (which would be an incredibly stupid thing to do, it's equivalent to standing on 11), and we BOTH won that hand because the dealer busted instead of getting 21 as a result (the dealer had a 3 and an 8, he got a face card when hitting the soft 16, and the next 2 cards after that were 3 and another 10)…. so I felt reasonably ethical in leaving at the end of that hand, with the count at -9 since I had just saved him 20 dollars and that was more than the excess negative expectation he'd face from playing the rest of the shoe alone.
I'll say one thing….. if I'm ever at a casino and someone wongs in or wongs out on ME and I know what they're doing (and I'll know, oh I'll know it won't be a coincidence if you step in when the count is high and leave when negative), if I ever get any heat and I get backed off…… that someone is going down with me. I'll go straight to security and tell them exactly what you're doing as they walk me out the door. And I DO NOT expect any favors from non advantage players. I feel pity for them, they're there because they have a sad addiction.