Down Under Blackjack (2017 Version)

Blackjack Tips Information & Video Source:

This is the new and improved Down Under Blackjack. For all the rules, strategy, and analysis, please visit

Source: YouTube

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Down Under Blackjack (2017 Version)

9 thoughts on “Down Under Blackjack (2017 Version)

  1. Looks like a really fun game, I especially like that the dealer opens on a 20, I imagine this would take some of the frustration away from the players when they work hard to get a 20 and then just have it push, now they might instead feel accomplishment at having gotten to the dealer's score.

  2. Do you think that the thin house edge will prevent casinos from investing in this game (especially if they have to get custom electronics)?

  3. They always show the dealer busting in these teaser videos then you run to casino and somehow get massacred lol

  4. Haha he didn’t understand what Michael meant by happy Groundhog Day. He should of responded with what’s gonna come up from down under? Now we don’t have to wait

  5. This is a really cool game. It has a fun factor…knowing ballpark what the dealer's down card is.

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