Blackjack Tips Information & Video Source:
If you’re interested in beating casinos at blackjack, the highest level of training is going to be an immersive, hands on experience. And that’s exactly what our Blackjack Bootcamp is. Watch this video to get an idea of what you can expect from a Blackjack Apprenticeship Bootcamp.
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Source: YouTube

I am from india and i want to join boot camp but its will cost me so much money on travel from india to usa so is there anyway to learn bj card counting from home ??
I mean complete card counting like boot camp
How often do you have these boot camps? I'm about to buy the Elite Membership package to learn counting for the first time. I want to go to the boot camp so bad already and I haven't even started with the membership. I'm assuming even if i practiced everyday for the next month I still wouldn't be a master at counting so i'm wondering if I should wait to do a boot camp till I master everything taught in the elite membership? So how often are these camps? I don't think ill be efficient enough at counting come Aug 11 which Id say is a safe assumption to make. Thanks for your videos. Haven't been this excited to learn something since i was a kid.
Even if you are card counting and play properly, would you still consider it gambling? Is it a gambling problem if you are at the casino maybe 6 hours a week? I try to explain to friends but they feel that I have an addiction. I’ve been playing at small 5-100$ tables probably around 6 hours a week for 2 weeks. I’m not a great card counter so I’ve been using basic strategy only and I’ve made over 200$(I’m just a highschool kid) and people keep telling me I’m addicted to gambling. What should I tell them??? I don’t know how to tell them that I’m not😂
I don't understand the plus 1 or minus 1. How does this make you hit 21 to win?
Vegas in august?!? No thanks. See February
I want to attend but I'm extremely new to blackjack should i attend
Been following BlackJack Apprentice for a while now. Awesome to know you're still doing this 🙂
Have you guys seen this movie yet
can I do this if i'm 16? lmao
If your children ever get burned out of the casinos, could you please include them in your Blackjack Apprenticeship videos? Card counting is genetic, EPIC! Just like Inside The Edge.