Blackjack Tips Information & Video Source:
What you didn’t know about gambling in Vegas and how to turn your luck around
At there are enough tips and methods like the 10% stacking plan on this site that you’ll be able to create your own style of winning!
Source: YouTube

"you don't stop when your winning"
So only leave when you run out of money? I'm with Louis, I would have left after winning the first 60
Remember that Louis Theroux was running a documentary. His job was to interview people, listen to what they have to say, and get them to speak more than they originally intended. By conforming to what the high rollers had to say, Louis was being sociable and opening the door for more questions. If Louis persisted in stopping now, he would have been out of touch and somewhat annoying to the high rollers. High Roller tells you to keep playing/bet more. Louis raises concerns, but goes along anyway.
I think the guy was just pointing out the ridiculous comment by the "high roller" that if you don't stop when you're winning, you'll always end up losing money. Gotta know when to walk away (and hopefully that's when you're up), one thing that a lot of problem gamblers like these guys don't do well.
I wish I had $500 to spend at the casino.
crappy hit soft 17 games
Casino's small edge is blown way out of proportion due to human nature. I gambled for 30 years and have seen it, and lived it. If you are Winning you will NOT walk away (of course) and if you are losing you will NOT walk away because you want to win back your money. This flaw in human nature is what built those huge, beautiful Casinos. It's a paradox and a flaw, but it is real…
Dudes coked out af