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Do Not Gamble. You WILL Lose.
#Xposed #BlackJack #Baccarat
Source: YouTube

Thank you for posting all these videos I really appreciate the entertainment I’m 23 and I work at a casino but it’s nothing compared to how intense these videos get
Hey Kyle , big fan from India, love ue comentary on this video's , watching your videos since ue started the Chanel, keep it up n keep going ue unique
why is there a C next to the dollar sign ? love the content tho ! 😀
Why did reupload many of the already posted videos??
hope youre having a great day kyle!!!
This video had me itching to play. Ended up going on and caught a heater! Cody got me screaming “show me a 10” on doubles and bad 😂
he is not the king brother he just lucky that's all train better player but he doesn't have his luck
Code is the best entertainment, even more winning
What up I watch all your vids greet job my dude , my son just started a fortnite stream on twitch it’s captcrazy0 he just started and he’s only 7
Soft 18 is never a hit against dealers 10 mate i dont know why you are saying taht is a hit :D. That is always a stand by the book