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Number 1🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Nice final roll. Might not be leaderboard but he earned those two dollars.
He had no influence on his dice- setting whatsoever as he hit five 7s out of 30 rolls, which is exactly one 7 for every 6 rolls. Which is the random roll expectation. What he did influence was himself, as he never bet the dark side, never pulled any of his bets down, never stopped pressing, never regressed in any fashion or never even controlled his bets expecting that the 7 might show up. That's the nasty side of believing or just trusting dice influencing. You believe you can do it so you bet accordingly- like the inside numbers, pressing, horn, hardways, roll after roll, throwing the dice without a worry or care about the 7. So it left him needing that lucky all-in last roll on the 8 just to break even. Moral of the story: Don't let dice control… influence you.😉
Nice fellow, but he surely needed one of David's systems to follow! Took too long to set the dice on every throw! Robert
I love how people waste time lining up the dice like it makes a ******ing difference 🤣
Nice way to end session after getting wiped out by those 7 outs.
That was about as exciting as watching paint dry. 🎨.
S = 1
T = 6
A = 2
B = 4
C = 5
D = 3