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Let’s practice using the COCKROACH ROAD while playing the No Mirror Baccarat Strategy! Check out how effective the derived roads are!
Watch “How to Read the Cockroach Road”
My ‘MnM Volume 2’ and ‘Diamond Baccarat’ strategies are available on my website: https://sellfy.com/mister-rafael
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Information provided in videos & emails are for educational purposes only.
Source: YouTube

Streaks and chops on the cockroach is powerful
nice, hope to see u someday in Fallsview
Thank you for this! Very helpful. I ran live card simulations with 2 shoes and made 9 units and 8 units respectively and didn’t get to level 2. Keep the videos coming. They are much appreciated.
Great job as always!
Looks interesting.
Good stuff keep going 🙏
excellent mr rafael, any update MnM v2? same rules could be applied?
Hey I have a system that I would love for you to test out. It's a pretty aggressive system. Probably the problem I have would be money management and I would like to get your opinion on it. Thanks
What do you think about using the Cockroach with the 89 special to maybe fine tune some additional wins?
Confusing please show me how to see n betctq
Brother, how many best could be lost in this system. Any idea?