BUBBLE CRAPS FUN!!! – $200 CHALLENGE! 44 – Live Casino Craps

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See if I can take $200 and turn it into a profit! Great series to watch if you are a casual gambler or like to play lower level sessions.

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VISIT CENTURY CASINO – https://www.cnty.com/central-city/coupons/try-us-and-play-10-free/?gclid=CjwKCAjw2rmWBhB4EiwAiJ0mteNbhWTIgDvrfl6n8N0RSeKRHbwVwiQpraIiSGK3BouFAEXxapWTzRoCLwgQAvD_BwE

Source: YouTube

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BUBBLE CRAPS FUN!!! – $200 CHALLENGE! 44 –  Live Casino Craps

9 thoughts on “BUBBLE CRAPS FUN!!! – $200 CHALLENGE! 44 – Live Casino Craps

  1. Was fun watching you play your strategies. You Won and that’s all that we can hope for. Awesome Rick !!! πŸ‘

  2. the machine smelled your lay bet and took it, aka the computer chip thats why i prefer table, nullifies any doubts i may or may not have

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