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Other links you might have mist:
Craps Dice Control: How to …Throw dice around Obstacles
Craps Dice Control: Shout out FULL PRESS
Craps Dice Control – How to .2 Finger Grip ( not The Super-Grip)
Craps Dice Control – How to ” Making money fast ” ( April 6, 2017 )
Craps Dice Control – How to ” Fast Money ” ( April 6, 2017 )
Craps Dice Control: How To Throw The Dice
In this video CK shows
a Super Grip Demo
diff. variations of the throw.
We want our viewers to have a cool win rate of 80 to 90%. Which is very attainable with DICE CONTROL and Discipline ( not being or getting greedy )
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Keep Rollin
Dangerous Arm
Please watch: “Craps Dice Control Ep 160”
Source: YouTube

Like the new set up.Yesterday you were talking about the hater's I made comment to Full Press.the hater.s are always be out there.the one that can't do always hate the one that cando.
Love the supergrip. When set is sticking to numbers you don't want, same set, turn your dices and hit something else, nice way to get out of a outside number streak you aren't betting on or craps streak. Good thinking!
Thank you Master DA CK on the Supergrip Demo Video!! 👍🏾🎲👏🏾🙏🏾
CK, what do you mean by knuckle on the super grip?Don't let the negative clowns get you down, you and full press have shown some impressive runs.Thank
CK,Big Thank you for being Real and being so kind to the little people. I cant afford to go to any of the dice control schools so I really appreciate you and what your doing. You and Full Press are both great people and I hope one day to have the skill to do what you guys do. The super grip is Bad Ass, I threw a 5 pt 33 roll with it tonite. Only on my practice table but it still is a killer roll. Keep but the great work that you do, F the haters and just know there are a lot of people that love what your doing, love your skill and love that you are putting yourself out there and your keeping it real. Right on my brother, right on!!!God Bless and Roll Big!!Rick
it seems the distance of your throw is short even for a short table what set are you useing i like to gofor the all in all all small all tall 175 to 1it uses changeing different sets2 12 out the way its do able