Learn Craps Video Source And Information:
If you are serious about playing the game of craps….Then check out my Craps Hawaii YouTube Channel. Take the time to study the Strategies that suits your Playing Level and your Buy-in Bankroll. Then Practice the Strategy until you know it by heart.
Source: YouTube

Great title for a video Mel. I play the same strategy but at 160/170. One hit, second hit with a 25 field bet then regress to 80/85. Out of the hand after two hits. Think I'll try your version next time…thanks
Thanks Mel. I need a little warm up myself.
Mel you are the best nice strategy thank you
I might try out your toss Mel. I think I figured it out.
Just what I needed. I have a craps tournament coming up, been trying to decide how to play it
Love the video uncle Mel good job
Thanks Mel
love the new intro…will miss the old intro too tho me and my daughter sing it when it’s comes on…thanks for the classroom session
Hi Uncle Mel, Another helpful strategy demonstration. Thank you! Take care