Craps Pass Bet With Max Odds Sim, Near-Zero House Edge

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This an Excel simulation of the best possible craps strategy, betting on Pass and taking maximum odds, achieving a near-zero house edge. A graph shows the change in your bankroll over 400 bets. The average loss after 400 bets is about 5 Pass bets, but the simulation shows that winning and losing streaks of 100 or 200 Pass bets are not uncommon.

If you can’t afford to risk that much money, you should reduce the amount you bet. If your Pass bet is already at the table minimum, you need to reduce or even eliminate the odds bets, resulting in safer but less exciting game.

If you would like to try out this simulation yourself, I have a separate video that shows you how to set it up:

Source: YouTube

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Craps Pass Bet With Max Odds Sim, Near-Zero House Edge

2 thoughts on “Craps Pass Bet With Max Odds Sim, Near-Zero House Edge

  1. The next video, which shows you how to set up the simulation in an Excel spreadsheet, is available here:

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