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Do you know the proper time to “buy in”, “color up” or why arguments at the table are bad? Find out the when’s, the how’s and the why’s of etiquette at the game of craps!
Source: YouTube

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I wait till the player hits the point then I buy in since thats when everyone gets paid and are happy. I just hope that its quick. I hate when they are on a great roll and I not getting squat.because I can't buy in till they hit their point.
You missed my BIGGEST pet peeve / superstition. Don't make the shooter move. When joining a table, find out where the shooter is and don't stand next to them so that they have to move. Find an empty spot on the table that is not next to the shooter and stand there.
Oh and don't come up to a dead table and ask the dealers if they are bored or lonely or if the table is open. If we are standing there and there is no cover over the chips, we're open and ready for business.
One time someone bought in during a roll with a point and it 7-out the very next roll. The regulars that were playing explained to the guys that was not right and should have waited. It made no difference to me. The guys who bought in then said that I, the dealer, didn't have to allow me to buy in. The regulars then explained that it wasn't my job to not allow a buy-in.
I drop my money on the table any time I loveing feel like it. Sometimes right in the middle of a roll and the dice hit my hand. love you all, it's my money, I'll play how I want.
Never do what I always do. Don't hop the 7s for the dealers before walking away. Haha.
Wow this is babyish. If any of these were really rules the pit bosses would make the dealers follow them. If I’m throwing the dice and you want to stand next to me please do. If you want to buy into a hot table please do. Stop being a bunch of superstitious cry babies and have fun.
1. Wait until the next point before coming in. If the shooter has an extravagant routine or puts the dice over the table a lot, I'll come in while the boxman looks over the dice but otherwise, it is proper to wait. I always wait and the dealers and most knowledgeable players appreciate it. I've had plenty of good runs die because a player literally had money down on the other side of the table – the dice hit the money (got lost inside the pile of bills) and its a 7-out.
2. Don't be an ass if you're betting the don't. Take your winnings and place your next bet.
3. Dont' be afraid to take down place bets or odds if you're not feeling it.
4. If you bet the middle, give the stickman a heads up before splashing your chips.
5. Tip – even if it is just a little. A stickman who is getting tipped might overlook a short throw and not give you too much grief over it. Even if just playing $5 or $10 pass line bets on a $100 buy in, throw a $1 straddle over your place bets or pass bets once in a while.
Also a pet peeve are middle bettors who will literally bet at complete random each hand. it slows the stickman down, cloggs the payouts and brings the game to a complete halt. There's a guy at my local who will chuck in $30 and call it "$8 horn, high horn ace deuce, hop the 6-2 for 4, hop reds for 3 and a $10 whirl" 2C, 1E, and a 2-way Yo for $2"… I always move tables when he comes around because the game just bad. Don't be that guy.