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Hello and thank you for visiting our channel! The main purpose of this channel is to teach how to play the game of craps. The videos provided are intended for training purposes only. If you suspect that you or someone you know has a gambling addiction, please feel free to contact the Gamblers Anonymous helpline at 800-522-4700.
Source: YouTube

Darn, missed it again.
Awesome learning session!!! Great camera angle. I'm going to mark my thumb and practice as soon as I finish watching your session. Feel like a kid on Christmas morning!
Just upgraded the experience to my home theater. You guys are larger than life on the 75 inch screen!
Another great video King!!! This is another video that shows the bad tosses along with the good ones.
It’s unfortunate that the uninitiated (Novice Shooters) think that a good shooter should never have bad rolls. That’s simply not the case. Some days… ya just should walk away from practice, or the Casinos because it only gets worse when you are having a bad day!!
Listen…. I was at the Casino last night, & even though I walked away with a modest profit, I never tossed a hand over 10 rolls. The guys that just picked up the dice & winged them had a good day. It is what it is!!!!
Part of the learning process is knowing when to take a break away from the tables, whether it is a horrible practice session, or a horrible session/s in the Casino.
Even though we train ourselves to “ Catch a gear” ( Long rolls), the goal is to make money in the Casinos!!!
Five, & out is a good way to practice, & that system of play WILL make you money!!
However, there will be days when even those five & out days will elude even the very best of shooters!!!
King, you da man, but as you go forward gathering more subscribers…… be very careful with your videos, because REMEMBER this….. YouTube followers that are Novice players don’t expect to view bad rolls when being taught Dice Control by Dice Coaches!! They simply don’t know any better, because they have been sold a Pipe Dream when it comes to influencing the dice!!
They think that an instructor that tosses a few bricks ( bad rolls) is nothing more than a fraud!!!
Remember….. viewers want to see the Monster rolls!! They want to see a hero, so just understand what you are REALLY up against when you give instruction on YouTube!!
Best of luck to you, & as always….. Another great video!!! Love your channel, & as a retiree… Dice is my life/love/hobby, Supplemental income!!
One thing i’d Like to add…. When playing at a empty table, you must be leery of the rolls per hour. As a solo shooter, the dice come back to you at a pretty swift pace, so I personally slow the game down to a snail’s pace by ( purposely) setting the dice slowly, or playing with my chips in order to slow the pace.
The more tosses, the quicker that the law of large numbers is gonna destroy/ thwart your edge.
Yep…. I want the dice all to myself, but as I am tossing, & collecting…. I always toss with one foot pointed towards the exit sign.
Time is your enemy when at the tables!!! There’s a reason that most Casinos don’t have clocks, or windows in the Gaming area.
Shoot, & Scoot!!!!
Great tip. Does the middle finger also stay middle. I wish we could see your release point. I am having trouble finding that sweet spot and avoiding too much power. Am a Vegas local … I play the Henderson Station casinos. Gimme a shout if you are in town before the big get together. Keep rollin Craps Nation!
DK, I'm setting my sights on marking my thumb with a green sharpie when I get back home. I gotta catch up on your recent videos. thanks Show me the 💸👍✍️