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It’s in the Casino Royale on Royal Caribbean Cruise Line that offers complimentary staterooms for 2 as soon as you earn enough points for their current promotion. Earning a “Complimentary” cruise means you only have to pay for the taxes and port fees. Of course, you can earn points on casino games other than craps…We just prefer craps but have been known to occasionally play other games when the craps table isn’t open.
Always check with the casino host for the current cruise promotions.
Earning “FREE” Money, Flights, Cruise Offers, Etc…may include paying out of pocket for taxes and/or other fees.
Learn more about Casino Royale here:
DISCLAIMER: We consider playing games in the casino as a form of entertainment that has an associated cost for the experience. Our focus is to minimize financial losses and enjoy the comps along the way. We always advise to never use money in the casino that you are not willing to lose. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem or concerns with gambling responsibly, please call the 24-hour Problem Gambler’s Helpline at 1.800.522.4700
Source: YouTube

How do they keep up with how much money you are playing
I love this advice. My goal is to play for comp points as well. Hoping to try my first Craps play next month on Princess.
Thanks! Really appreciate your help.
It's all psychological, great advice Brian 👍
Excellent roll-out Brian. Thank you for reminding me of a Hybrid I used when I ditched the Odds on the 3 Pt. Molly. Here it is in current form, for a $10 table (fun to play too!).
('Don't' bet at Base = total of 3 'Do' bets) Bets in order → $10 Pass Line, $30 DC, $10 Come, $10 Come. Each shoot the Pass + 2 Comes start at $10, any loss add $5, any win Parlay it, if parlay wins restart @ $10 (amazing how often the parlay wins on the Come bet come-out). The Don't bet 'Ladders' in +/- $10 steps, including Come-outs, but the Do bets stay at $10. I prefer to run the Don't through the DC, but as you know, sometimes the DP behaves so well it's better. If I'm switching between DC & DP, I'll switch after 2 losses if 'Choppy' & 1 loss if outcomes 'Streaky'.
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