Learn Craps Video Source And Information:
how to play winning craps http://www.thegamingpro.com 702-873-5425 the Gaming Pro, 5615 Cameron, Unit 7, Las Vegas,Nv 89118
Winning Craps Strategy
Crush the Casinos with Ultimate “Winning Craps”
Tony Leo’s Winning Craps Methods are powerful, yet simple to learn.
They are powerful in the sense that they will enable you to win 9 out of 10 playing sessions. You can make $100.00 to $1,000.00 per day and enjoy the freedom and independence known to very few individuals in this day and time.
People with a lot of money and a little skill flock to the CRAPS tables more than willing to take a sporting risk on what could be a very lucrative proposition. The craps table attracts a lot of people with the yelling and the high-5’s of the players. Most drop their bankroll in a very short time.
Craps can be beaten, but understand this very important point: 90% of all Craps players in the casino lose money even though it offers the player the lowest casino edge.
The keys to Tony Leo’s Winning Craps methods, strategy and success are:
Knowledge of the Craps game
Knowing how to bet
Strict money management
“Winning Craps” combined together with sound money management will make you a consistent winner at the casino. You will learn the same strategy that The Gaming Pro plays and will consistently win 10-40 units per hour at the Craps table.
“Winning Craps” has been tested on: combined database, actual rolls of the dice, and on the Internet. You will see for yourself the power of Winning Craps methods, and will be armed with the knowledge before wagering a single dollar on the Craps table in the casino.
There is a big difference between playing Craps and consistently winning at Craps
I will teach you in a single day everything you need to know about “Winning Craps”. We will go through the Craps strategy together step-by-step, until you have mastered the systems. As well as learning my methods, we will also be covering numerous other related subjects. Some of the topics we will cover will include:
Super strategy’s for both the do side and the don’t side of Craps
Knowledge of which Craps bets to make and which to avoid
The “SECRET” to low risk while winning $100 to $1,000 per day
Knowledge of the odds and probabilities on the Craps table
Win and Lose limits – learn exactly how the Gaming Pro plays
How to get Casino Comp’s and VIP Treatment
Money management techniques customized for you
Exploit casino situations that favor the player
How to win $100 – $300 per hour on the Internet!
Six Award winning methods to win (not just one)
The fee for the entire course is $579.00. It includes your textbook and all drills, exercises, and other valuable information, your open line to me and our visit in Las Vegas. There are no hidden charges. No matter how long you might study with me, or how many times you may wish to consult me in the future, you never pay me another dime for this course.
I know that you will not find a better Craps system for sale anywhere that will do what my methods do. Most students win the $579.00 back their first visit to the Casino. After playing for a while and moving up to the higher betting limit tables, they look back at the $579.00 as the best investment they ever made.
Check out my awesome channel
Click here to view my other videos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiU5QiPalwk how to play winningcraps
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFOfTCyJF8o winning casino craps
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XgsedZDzN4 dice control strategy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHj-tZX88gI winnning dice setting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-tfsHnzCTw winning craps betting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Zbj8hQ5FU8 play craps to win
Also watch more with our fantastic playlist
@how to play winning craps
@winning dice setting
@dice control strategy
Source: YouTube

Hi Tony, will be in Vegas in beginning of August, when do you usually play during the day? Would like to see you in action…
I play ceelo any tips on how to work the randomness in my favor so I can make money
when I catch someone throwing a prime number as you put it, usually 5 or 9, I tend to take things down and hop them and it turns out to be more lucrative than playing all the numbers. Makes sense.
you know how I can tell your strategy makes sense and can work as well? Because you don't disable your comments like some of the other strategies who don't want people telling them how guyic their strategies are. You're not afraid to get feedback which means yours makes sense and work
Would be nice to see you implement your betting strategy and actually throw the dice to prove it out. Not being a hater but show me with real bets and real rolls.
Hi Tony, I'd like to stop by your office sometimes this weekend.
Hi Tony, Vinnie here. I've earned quite a few names at the craps table lately. At certain casino's they call me "The Captain", "Buckshot" and others… All good by the way. Lately I've developed a good rhythm with shooting the dice making quite a few repeater numbers and rolling like a damn champion on most nights with my highest roll of 57 numbers but I still have the odd PSO. I think i'm good as far as my rhythmic style rolling but I think i need some expert advise on betting and pressing my numbers. Excellent tutorials. Cheers Tony.
Hey Tony Great videos! I have a question, what is your favorite dice set to throw
Wasted 3:00 minutes with an unnecessary intro.
Give me a stagery for a table were the 7 rolls unbelievably high and way over the odds. For example 20 radom shooter and different parts of the table the 7 rolls within 3 rolls including the come out roll. I wish I could film it for u to see the unbelievable bad
I think there is something wrong with the dice or table