Learn Craps Video Source And Information:
Of all the table games in the casino, craps has to be one of the hardest to learn. A multitude of different bets… the rules and etiquette… the screaming and shouting. It’s not easy to make sense of the game.
As a player, it’s important that you understand each bet on the table and make educated decisions on how you want to play the game.
As a dealer, you should be able to smoothly control the game and have a full knowledge of all bets and payoffs.
This comprehensive presentation covers every bet on the table and offers a valuable insight into the mechanics of the game. This is ‘Essential Craps — A guide for players and dealers’!
Source: YouTube

You're an guy. Not fir to carry my apron!
The only thing this teaches is how to make a stupid video and that the person who uploaded it should be beaten with a wiffle bat.
If you are reading this, press the back button and watch a different video which is not COMPLETELY loveING USELESS