Making a craps table part 4

Learn Craps Video Source And Information:

craps game, dice control, how to play craps. craps for dummies, color up, dice throwing, hop bets, hardways, horn bets, red, place bets, passline bets,

Source: YouTube

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Making a craps table part 4

4 thoughts on “Making a craps table part 4

  1. Thanks for this video. I've used your plans to make my own practice table but have a question about the alligator rubber. I'm struggling to figure out how to make a hard back that goes around the curve. Looks like you are just leaving the center of the alligator backing hollow with nothing behind. Do you think it makes a difference having the alligator glued to a board or just having rails top and bottom to hold the shape? Will be going on a cruise and look forward to some time in the ship's casino. They typically have 12' tables but practice is practice and I'm ready to play the short game!

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