My craps table setup – This craps table build works great for my small space.

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If you are spatially challenged like me and don’t want a full size table taking up too much room this setup may work for you . It will allow you to still play like you have a real table without taking up too much room.

LET IT ROLL is for Beginners Intermediate or Advanced Players that would like to learn, share or give me some advice. Its a place for all to enjoy each others knowledge and input. I will try to put a craps betting strategy tutorial up as often as possible.

I try to throw with dice control. Before I throw I set my dice or dice setting to try to become a controlled shooter. I will do my best to put live craps or real craps video on my channel when I can get away with it lol. Been asked twice to not record already.

I appreciate and respect all my subscribers and would love to see us all COLOR UP, whether I can help you or you can help me either way that would be awesome!!!

Make sure to like and subscribe! Thanks for hanging out with me!

Hang out with me on Facebook to see what is upcoming or a place to chat with other craps players like us!

Source: YouTube

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My craps table setup – This craps table build works great for my small space.

6 thoughts on “My craps table setup – This craps table build works great for my small space.

  1. Brilliant! I have a difficult time reaching across for betting. This is an awesome setup.

  2. Let it roll i like that. Its nice and you can multitask with it. I like the way you think my man πŸ‘

  3. Good concepts Let It Roll! Very versatile setup & great use of space. Appreciate the video & shout out buddy!!

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