Learn Craps Video Source And Information:
Couchatta Resort and Casino is a Native American casino located in Kinder, Louisiana. It is the largest NA casino in Louisiana. It’s a great casino for gamblers, with great rules on most of their games.
Coushatta casino also has low limits. Most games are $5 minimums, with generous rules that benefit players. The casino has $5 3-2 blackjack (sad that I would even have to clarify that a BJ game is 3-2).
The craps game is $5 minimum. Max free odds is 20x. The ATS bet pays the more generous schedule of 35-175-35. For an explanation of the ATS bet, see my page at https://roadgambler.com/craps/tall-small-craps-side-bet/
Since I play mostly craps, I am bringing you another craps video for your enjoyment. This is a real cash craps game at Coushatta.
In this video, you will see come bets. For an explanation of come bets: https://roadgambler.com/craps/craps-come-bet/
I’m Max Rider, the Road Gambler. I travel across the US and gamble at different casinos. I document my travels, along with any relevant advice or observation on my website, RoadGambler.com.
Please be sure to check it out.
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Thanks for watching.
Max Rider, the Road Gambler
Source: YouTube

for some reason craps ain't craps unless the game is originating from viva Las Vegas!!!!
20X is very attractive, very!!
whirl, whurl or world bet…? shaaaaaaaaaaa!
I would have placed 8 for $120 before it hit…6, 8, & 9…gotta cover 6, 8, but I see your strategy.
Thanks for the explanations on your best and winnings very helpful
If i was stick, i would love him who bets when dice out. Dealers have to controll dumb azz players
wow, 20X odds, very generous compared to last Vegas' 3-4-5, which ain't enough…!
Yeah sure there's some late bets but she's putting the dice out quickly as well. I don't bet super fast when I'm drunk either hahaha
I would have had to smack the sh!t out of the guy beside the thrower making all those late bets or better yet I would have had the dealers or box guy refuse all his last second bets that he tried to bet after to dice was out while I rolled!!!
I never understood the difference between “Come” bets vs. just place bets. Like would it be better to just put $100 on 6 and 8 and get paid those odds Vs putting $5 on come and then going X20 odds?