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I've never lost money faster playing craps than in this system. Been better off laying 8s. 4, 9, 7 or some version of 11, craps, 4, 7, wash and repeat.
explain the lay on the 4 for 100 ,,, ?? on the come out ??
isn't it a small world, I have a hemorrhoid named "Bruce".
Great job Guys keep them coming.
It looks like this needs a $5 table. Is it possible to vary it to work on a $10 table without doubling the initial outlay to a $200 lay and $88 inside?
Why not press the winning lay bets? 100 goes to 200, goes to 400
Place bets cover the initial 100 lay.
What do you think?
Also could put gone 100
In the don’t come. You get paid 1 for 1 no? Don’t play the don’t come 6 and 8s
Keep pressing your don’t wins
David I will be there the week of new years can I play with you and my friends?