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Win with just ten throws. Reduce debts down. Bet more aggressive play more aggressive. Learn to extend your game.
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bone thrower is the only youtuber worth watching every single of his video
Okay we haven’t heard from you for awhile so I watched the Dom say only throw hard ways set? That cost me a lot of money! I think the casinos tip him to give us that foolish info so we’ll lose money! Not seriously though. I’m just going to stick with what works for me and that’s your teachings! Thanks BT. Can’t wait for more? Like a little kid at Christmas 🤓
Bet big 2or 3 score hits black chips reduce to green same thing then red chips all wins go back to bets then come down on all bets.its like three sessions in one.1000 win next casino do it again . practice practice practice.build bank roll.
If you 7 out after 3 score hits you don't lose the black chips before that it's risky that's way you practice.
Hey, BT, at the beginning of your instructional videos, will you please show the dice set you’re using & the throwing motion? Thanks. You’re the Best!!!
Bone thrower I just want to thank you my game has improved so much from your videos!!! Thank You!
$120k+/Year and never Bet over table minimum… Can it be done?…. Damn Right it Can!!!
yup BONE you are so daed on right people press from single unit bets on a $5 table and most players will 7 out in 7 throws
I do well now on my own throws but our tables here are always 415 min. Parx casino harrahas and sugarhouse.
rare to get $10 min. Going tonight around 7 pm with a $200 start bank ….try to win slots with $30 free play maybe win $30 more or get superlucky like i did last time won $150
What dice set was this?
If you double pitch the heavier dice. Why not set the dice to single pitch the seven.