Craps Strategy Video Information:
In part one, we saw those pesky tornadoes destroy our garden! The forecast for this episode is a little more blue sky scenario, but will we make any money? In this craps strategy we have to go at least 5 rolls before we harvest some cash.
Special thanks to Midnight Madness for his innovative strategies and allowing me to run them on this channel.
Source: YouTube

Good video bro. Im ready for the Casino just let me know.
Your production values have improved quite a bit. I've also enjoyed you guest appearances on other channels. Good stuff.
This is a pretty aggressive strategy for a low roller. I'm shocked that you like it as much as you do. You must just be a gambler at heart. 🙂
Nice video. But probably too rich for my blood. 🤑
4:30 the point is 10, just as you had it
Cool, Put you up on Part 1 and 2 along with my other social media pages Thanks Jesse