Craps Strategy Video Information:
First craps video i have made. the 44 inside accelerator low roller craps strategy is a video of spin off of vince armenti 44 inside strategy, instead of playing 11 dollars in the field we go 12 dollars on the hop bets and horn bets for higher pay. use this strategy for and when you see random roolers throwing alot of 4s and 10s, and horn numbers to press up your inside number bets very fast. this strategy will show you how to press up bets and then regress and press back up, or keep pressing and then collect as you press up to make good money on hot roller. new comer and underdog of craps nation community.
Source: YouTube

SumyunguyZgames Sumy
I got a comment from you in my email. But can’t find it on my video.
I have no problems with you using that strategy and modifying it.
Let me know how it goes.
Thanks for watching my channel.