Best Craps Strategy in the World EP.1

Craps Strategy Video Information:

Best Craps Strategy in the World EP.1

Watch me demonstrate 10 minutes of one of the most optimal craps strategy’s in the world Ep. 1

Best Craps Strategy In The World – EP. 1
Start: $10,000
End Bankroll Total: +$182.50

(The house edge is defined by the casino, shorting your payout, make sure you are aware of the best and most useful strategy’s in order to lower that house edge, so that you are able to prevent the casino’s, from SHORTING YOUR PAYOUT, because when the casino SHORTS YOUR PAYOUT, THE HOUSE EDGE IS COMING AFTER YOU!)
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Source: YouTube

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Best Craps Strategy in the World EP.1

3 thoughts on “Best Craps Strategy in the World EP.1

  1. If you dislike the video, please explain your most optimal strategy below in the comments, thanks.
    I want everyone to know, any strategy telling you to incorporate a field bet in your strategy, is a fool.

  2. I think its funny someone dislikes my video, even though I profit $182.50 in around 10 mins, with one of the most optimal strategy's available.
    This is the only real YouTube Channel revealing optimal strategy's, and every other channel is going to teach you how to blow your money on trashy place bets, and field bets and hard ways and hop bets, so if you cant prove you have a more optimal strategy, get out of here.


  3. That's exactly what I thought, that no facer has no input to bring to anyone on what his most optimal strategy is, so nobody pay attention to anyone who cant even leave a comment with a more optimal strategy, nothing but a hater.

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