Craps Strategy Video Information:
This video is a continuation of a lecture series on playing craps by Dr. Skaff. It involves two of the students from the class and focuses on a 6-8 strategy using hardway bets. This is part I of the 6-8 strategy using hardway bets.
Source: YouTube

What I do personally is play pass and come with full table odds, place 6 and 8 for 12 a piece and lay the 4 and 10 for 50 a piece. I do not ever do anything else. Sometimes when I'm on a good roll I'll bet hardways for the dealers, but usually i'll just tip them straight into the bucket.
But really these have been really illustrative videos, very well done. (Quick camera tip though… don't lock the tilt if you constantly tilt up and down and move the camera.)
Hi Professor,
Thanks for these videos; definitely interesting & informative.
However on betting the Hardways or any central Prop. Bet; I have to disagree with you there.
Regardless of whether the hardways are used in a scheme with place bet 6 & 8 or not, the High House Edge on these bets will still steal from your Bankroll over time as individual bets. Winning/Losing with the Place Bets as well give you the illusion of winning alot but in reality you pay for them over time.
The Place Bets merely gives the illusion that your Hardway Bet is covered in case you miss the Hardway roll. This seems to be like paying for insurance premiums. The big payoff is helpful when required & successfully claimed but overall the premiums will cost more albeit over a long period of time.
Do you see where I'm coming from?
Thanks & Regards,
the tables that i've seen that say 8 for 1 for hard 4 and 10 do so because of superstition about the appearance of 7s.
If you don't take your odds immediately after the point is established, does that prevent you from doing so later in the same sequence?
I am sorry…..did u just say "you believe if you bet the hardways and they come up you will generally be a winner and if they don't come up you will generally be a loser"…….thanks for that nugget of wisdom Doc
waiited times
wtf you are straight up retarded