Craps STRATEGIES TESTING!! Series 1 session 1

Craps Strategy Video Information:

Level up 6/8 will be tested first over 7 days.. approximately 30-40 rolls. Starting bankroll 300$

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Song: Jim Yosef – Firefly
Music provided by NCS Music.
NCS YouTube Channel:
Jim Yosef:

dizzy by Joakim Karud
Music promoted by Audio Library

My Daughters youtube channel

Source: YouTube

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Craps STRATEGIES TESTING!! Series 1 session 1

6 thoughts on “Craps STRATEGIES TESTING!! Series 1 session 1

  1. I like this idea of trying strategies over 7 days. You are an innovator so I’m looking forward to see what we come out with after testing all the strategies!

  2. Great strategy for treading water on a cold table, then collecting some low risk cash when it turns around. I’m interested in how you’ll incorporate the field. Happy New Years, Press. Looking forward to see what you produce this year!

  3. Happy new year press!!! Good testing move with the 7 days. I love that you exhaust the testing limits when you test things. It’s about longevity so you can last till a solid roll happens πŸ™‚

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