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For wagermethis merchandise check out Just a simple recycle of come and dont bets for a 25$ table.
Source: YouTube

Hello! I really like this strategy! I love to play the come but usually shy away because of the money than can be lost. So implementing the DC is a great offset to that. I am a little confused on WHEN to play the Pass rather than the DP. Can you please explain that a little more. Also rather than Lay the 4 10 on the come out, why not just do a $2 Yo and an $8 Red for insurance? Thank you for your time and excellent video!!!
You're the best! Awesome strategy. Hope to see live videos soon . Thanks
If I may suggest, instead of laying the 10 for $50 why don't you just hop the sevens for $6
WMT, I really like this play. I’d appreciate you running it one more time….time permitting.
Im a DC better. Have won a decent amount of money at times on cold streaks. I've always loved hedging and have gone about it in a way a few others here have mentioned, ie $2 yo's and $8 Big Red's. You're RIGHT though….every miss is $ out of pocket vs an insurance bet with high odds u won't lose it plus the benefit of immediately taking it down after the point. Never thought to do it THAT way but this video convinced me to give it a try. I also like the simplicity of just counting Do's vz Don'ts but I would imagine you need to a close eye on the box man for potential payout and take down mistakes.
What do you think about starting out on pass line instead of don't pass line ? Will not have to hedge for 7's….
I’ve watched this strategy video 10 times and am seriously gonna include it in my “tool box”
awesome strat it keeps you a float until you get a good roll and then you kill it
You should really use $26 or $30 odds on the 5 & 9 to get correct payout. Just confusing for the beginners otherwise.
Seems to be a pretty simple blender strategy that could keep you in the game longer. Thanks