Craps Strategy Video Information:
CRAPS Strategy 2v Full Hand Grip , buckle up we are talking Craps Strategy with dice control.
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We are using a full Hand 2v grip , landing Zone is 2 inches from the wall.
When your dice are rolling for you and staying half A turn or a turn off of the dice set being used,
Then your in good position to make money.
Don't forget the 7 will come but you should have nice window for you to make money and get out.
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CK Dangerous Arm Underground Craps
I hate it when my dice stick to the back rail and are half way between 2 numbers. I even had one land on its corner edge once. Had a rail hanger at a casino once and I was shocked to see the dealers start trying to shake the table to get it to roll back to a better number. (If I remember right I think they had money on the table from tips) Been using the same full hand grip you have here sometimes I curl my wrist sometimes I just grab and rip (depends on how the dice are acting) going to have to try this 3/5 1/5 dice set… I've been using 6/5 5/4 and 5/4/2/4. I also find the dice I am using has a big effect on the roll (color matters). There is nothing wrong with your setup. The flag makes it legit. All you need are the dice the diamond bumper and the landing area. you don't need a full table. Heck you don't even need chips or a layout either just a pin and paper. I like building things and have time to do it since I am retired so I built a small table but my first practice setup was just a cardboard box back stop and some scrap felt. I only wish I would have thought about it a bit more and built a long table 6 foot is just to short I think 9 foot should have been the shortest.
CK, when you are repeating 5s and 3s and 5s and 1s like this, you ever do a progressive sequence on the hop for these? I have some strategies on this for progressive sequences, even all the way up to covering 7 hops, but covering fewer is better.
CK, those 8 pins or screws on your back wall above the table on the sheetrock, are those for anything? Do you use those for a height gauge for your release? Maybe they are nothing. But I notice you have always had those in the wall for years.
Hey ck I was at Western Village in Sparks NV and I couldn't get my roll right and now I feel the weight of all the dice before I throw . So they give away old dice so I brought home 3 different colors and I can adj my throw to get my #s so I miced them standed dice are .753 western village are .774 now I need to weight them . Well that's the noise you hear the marbles in my head turning.
What up ck. Bring back the live streams. Sometimes just want to hear your knowledge on the game.
Bev Francis or west side barbell!!! Iβve Ben to both and they are bad ass!!! Keep it going D ARM
3/5 1/5 …..2v flip side