Craps Strategy Video Information:
Here I use the martingale on the 10.
Source: YouTube

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Love this!! Thanks Jacob!
plus after an hour of play you could just eat the 300 loss and just put up the 300 lay again instead of martingale that is what i would do because this is going to make 500 an hour pretty easy. would only martingale if i wasn't up because after 2 10s it's going to be nuts check time. love this though. think i might try this next casino run it's a good play a long time strategy too.
I’m liking this version of the no 10! Thanks 555 and WagerMeThis!
When you hit the 10 you went to $900 on the Lay 10….wouldn’t $600 on the Lay 10 have Ben enough? You’re only trying to win back the $300 lost on the original Lay 10….you don’t have to cover the place bets because you didn’t lose them they’re still up…..$600 on the 2nd Lay 10 bet should be enough?
talk to dge about martingale strategy on the no 10………. comments thus far sound a little too confident on this strategy………………… only takes one time /bad streak to take one to ''tap city'' .buyer beware………………..DDP1
Rolling four tens is not that hard – trust me. If it didn’t happen the casinos would never allow the lay ten bet. The house will win over time.
Please show how much you would need for 5 to 6 TENS before a 7? So it’s, 300, 900, ???, ???, ???, ???. Thanks.
I figured it out. You would need $36,000 just to cover the loss of 10 hitting 5 times before a 7. I hit it 4 times on Wizard of Odds which was a $8100 Lay Bet on the 10 then I won it back. But, What Casinos have those table max except Cesar’s? It’s too risky.
Thanks Jacob, I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into these demonstrations. I love the concept of your “no 10” strategy, but there are three things I avoid when playing, iron cross strategies, martingale strategies and relying on random shooters. I used to just play light side with a pass line and all the numbers across with a unit press each hit. The number of times my 4 and/or 10 got higher than 5 units on a shooter was too frequent for this strategy to survive. I admit some of these shooters may have had mid roll come out 7’s which would help, but not all of them. That is my cautionary tale, but I still like the “no 10” idea and I will continue to adapt your concept until I find a variation that works for me. I will also keep practicing in my quest to learn how not to roll 10’s as often. Cheers
I like it. Can’t run this all the time. Get 500 to 700 dollars ahead and leave. If you are greedy or can’t discipline yourself to stop after short win, don’t use this system. Similar to the pass/don’t pass system.