Craps Strategy Video Information:
CRAPS Strategy Dice Control Throw | STAGGERED Stack Grip
Source: YouTube

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CK, I'm just checking in with you to see what's new. I see you're still doing it brother.
i get all our new videos on my home page
Really starting to like this throw, much more stable than I thought, a few more hours of practice, and I'm gonna put it in action.
Murdered those 8's!
You missed marking your five that you hit, should be 14 throws and not 13. Seems like you lost focus at that point in your throw and your rolls started to double pitch the top die and that’s how you threw your 3/4 seven out.
Thank you for all the training Coach CK! I’m learning, I’m learning!
CK how does this staggered stack roll compared to your normal stack? im still to off and on with my stacked throws
I love that grip. I still don’t have it where I want but I’m still practicing it. I’m determined to get it down. You make it look so easy. Awesome stuff!!!
No. Don’t try this unless you know what you’re setting.
Congratulations! This is the first video I've ever given a thumbs-down. I gave this video a thumbs-down for a couple of reasons. First of all, with more thumbs-up than down, it needs an equalizer. Furthermore, there's no commentary to describe this dice control strategy, such as no explanation regarding how to throw (arc, speed, motion, dice stay together in the air and land together (something about "kissing" at6:01), etc) or where to throw (hit the felt, hit the wall, following a throw, @6:39 I did hear him say "short"). This table is also arguably subjective compared to the construction of a real table and how the dice might sound when they hit, or bounce, or roll, or "stick." Finally, you can't argue with mathematics. Each die is independent of the other, as well as the dice roll before it, but no matter how you slice or dice it, the statistics still reveal that a 7 comes up 16.67% of the time. The fact that the only 7 rolled in this video isn't proof that this dice control strategy works and only failed because of a "chunky-ass throw" (which is a technical term for "blame it on the dice"), but the fact is that you haven't seen enough throws. What it does prove, whether you believe it or not, is that perceived control is still just luck that is 100% measured in terms of statistical probability. I found this video interesting, not that it had any wow or gee-whiz factor, but for the sake that it lacked any value, nor did anything to give merit to a so-called method to control dice. <smh>