Craps Strategy Video Information:
Craps Strategy – Dice Control Throw | New Ways | Twisted Angle How to, Dangerous Arm Craps showing this ridiculous Twisted Angle Throw using an all 7 set on the dice.
Just another way to the money.
Source: YouTube

Love the video, thanks for all you do. I practice on a very bouncy table and have trouble keeping the dice from jumping off. I'm just a beginner, so what should I be concentrating on make the dice settle down when they land? Thanks.
Another good one! I've got to contact you on the email address you gave out the other day.
Hey, I sent you an email.
Got caught this weekend with someone on the end of the table betting heavy on the don’t and I couldn’t get my dice pass the wall of chips stacked.
So much for practicing with chips. I need to start shooting with build-a-blocks set. Long story long, three shots and out. Maybe next time I’ll just drop them in against the wall!
Thanks again Sensei CK!
How do u stop dice from splitting during the grip? I can't keep em tight for some reason. I can't get pass 6 or 7 rolls without seeing a 7
love you vids !! big fan !!!
A guy at Snoqualmie takes all sevens, in his hand, and twists. Speaking of that joint, shot there for the first time, in a long time. They came out with the crapiest rule. You gotta have a dollar in action, on the previous shooter, to get the dice. I was like this is crap!
I've been watching Justin I don't think his last name is Kroll? He's learning from you and Bone Thrower. He showed how the bottom of his table looks. I need more info and would love to see how you put your's together! When you get a chance.
I told my wife I'm going to build a table and she said I was crazy! You know women!
C K good advice about pulling money down,it takes a lot of discipline but you will stay ahead with your money,good video