Craps Strategy Video Information:
Using the field to get box numbers. Only 15$ risk
Source: YouTube

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Jacob, would you run a 3 point molly don't? ($10 DP/DC with $30 odds on each.) It might be fun to see.
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What do you do if your first. Field bet does not hit? Do you chase it until you get a win?
Love this strategy
Would you consider pressing the winning
"Farming in the field" to grow your other wagers.
Despite not being a fan of the field I do like the low initial exposure as an alternative to passline betting, which can preserve bankroll provided its not all 5/6/8s off the bat.
I'd suggest maybe a minor rule to stop betting the field if you lose it off the start 3 times in a row, or if you do continue just rack the wins instead of placing given average hand length is only 8.5 rolls (meaning many are much less) and you would have less remaining rolls on average to actually hit those place bets.
Very interesting. I like it, seems like I will have to test this with some more throws. Choppy table with field /no field trend will limit your winnings but its something different and NEW. Keep them coming Jacob learning a lot from you man.
Very unique. I like it. (Pray the Field is on fire!)
Starting bad habits off early I see
I was just about to ask what you'd think about taking down the place bet you hit after the field is done, but then you hit multiple 6's in a row and my idea would have missed out on quite a bit of winnings! Cool idea