Craps Strategy Video Information:
CRAPS Strategy – How To Single Finger Trapshot. This is a short video giving you key details for a successful Single Finger First Finger Twisted Trapshot.. Craps Hacking Strategy.
We show you exactly how to release in great detail, maybe to much detail for beginners.
You will see how the release ends up, the hand setup . Pay close attention cause this is a very precise way to grip, throw and release this throw. VERY Dangerous indeed, intended for a strong Short Game.
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Welcome back Controller's!!
πΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπ²π²π²π²π²π²π²π²π²π²π²π²π²π―π―π―π―π―this video gives you what you need to know to Throw this Single Finger First Finger Twisted Trapshot.
What a Throw what's throw indeed.
You will need these couple of key details for this Throw to be very successful.
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Ck Dangerous Arm
Hey man hope you read this is just want to let you know that you and bt have changed my life for real. I used to struggle week to week and I would go to the casino now and then and mostly loose but since watching your vids I have practiced di everyday for 4 months and now I'm killing the casino 4 to5 days a week. Got my bankroll up and now I leave the casino everyday with 200 to 1000 dollars it's crazy man and I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Btw I know how you feel about betting strategy but from being in the casino so much and the craps tables bein so crowded I started playing roulette and I have a sick ass betting system for roulette and I win it 87% of the time, no progression or nothing. What I usually do when I first walk in the casino is look for a roulette table with the right setup for me to bet and I will drop 200 on it win 87% of the time and I use the profits for my craps or if I have a bad roll I will find a roulette table and come back up if you would like to know I'd be more then happy to give a Lil Sumn back. Anyway thanks again man Keep it up
that last throw looks nasty !
Dog gonnit CK, I miss you so much brother, I pray you and your family are well. I would give you my email address But Iike you I am in the shadows. Plz man, be safe!