Craps Strategy Video Information:
Here I show a great tool in the laying of the 4 or 10 with a hardway cover
Source: YouTube

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Love it, Wager! Our styles are very
similar. Sometimes after I’ve made good profit, I’ll take the lay bets down or regress the 4 & 10 down to $50. After I’ve made good profit IMO it makes sense to lower my exposure so I don’t lose the lay and give $100 of my profit right back. Keep up the great work, bro! #SquarePair
Quickly have become my favorite channel
Really like this strategy and appreciate your time and effort. Always looking for new ways to adjust to a table that is cold. I ran this through the Wizard of Odds online game and was surprised that I lost 4 times in a row. Got knocked off my place bets a lot with the 7 and the 3/1 6/4 came up quite a bit. When you rolled you never got knocked off once which I think will be a rare occurrence. Then something occurred to me. You mentioned that there is only 3 ways to roll a 4 and 10 and 1/3 of the time it will be a hard way and you will win $75 when the hardway rolls. Are you not losing $250 the other 2/3 of the time? It would seem you would lose $175 for every group of 3 rolls of the 4 and 10. I think this is what was happening and I was not lucky enough to get a higher than normal percentage of hard 4s and 10s to make work. I could be totally wrong as I am pretty new to craps. Would appreciate your imput.
Like it! I use the lay bet attack one and two with the 6 and 8 stretch play. when the dice turn hot you are right on the mark with the 22 inside and the lay with hardway. I always use hardway with my lay bets. You are the sharpest player on the tube. Keep the videos coming i enjoy them. We all know tables are mostly choppy you need these tools you are putting out to stay in the games.
Tool box is the best series to really make some $$$
R u familiar with the
Do a video where you lay the 4 or 10, but then you play the iron cross
You didn't include the last win on the no 4. you put the win in the rack
Good video