Craps Strategy Video Information:
To me, the videos of the intros and additions have become confusing and I want to ensure there is full clarity on my Trip 2 Testing for you all.
Follow along on a “Trip” to $1k using my evolving Eureka Strategy where “series”=Trip and “Session=Hour” and Day I hope to make to $1000 in about 9 hours of play at a brink and mortar. 10 min of video is about 45 hours of play at a bubble craps and 1.5 on hard table. Will I do it? Slam that like button, subscribe, and smash the notification bell to see if I will.
Instructions below-Follow along on a Trip to $1k using my evolving Eureka Strategy where Series=Trip, Day= Day, and “Session”=Hour.” My goal is to reach $1000 a day. 10 min of video is about 45 min of play on a Bubble Craps therefore, I’ll call each vid an hour. Hard top felt I can guess would be 1.25 hours of play. My goal is $1000 a day. I normally play 8-9 hours a day on a 3 day trip. I treat gambling as a business first and foremost. Will I do it? Slam that like button, subscribe, and smash the notification bell to see if I will.
Here is a continuation of testing on my simple and easy to play Eureka Strategy which is a pretty solid progression, regression strategy to playing craps at a Bubble Craps machine or, if properly adjusted, a hard top table. It’s a modification to my former 4 or 2 method that is based on the statistical fact that the average shooter only shoots 7 times before a 7 out.
1. On the lower tier, run out until 7 with 2 units on 6-8 and one on 4, 10.
2. when loss you MUST have a point established AFTER the come out roll.
3. Set up betting on inside numbers and the call is “ONE and OFF”
4. IMPORTANT-Roll for 1 roll then OFF or regress to lower tier and ride out
a hopeful long roll. Repeat above at 7.
5. Should you lose, wait for 7 out, then make next tier ensuring the point is established on the
come out roll and hit for one roll or again then regress if win.
6. If it wins, regress to lowest tier and start over riding out a hopeful long run.
Source: YouTube

bad bro your channel is growing!