Craps Strategy Video Information:
This is a tutorial on how to play the game Craps. The table layout used is a bit outdated. Current tables frequently offer more kinds of bets in the center Proposition bet area. Be sure to examine the table before playing and/or ask the dealers any questions you may have. Dealers standing at empty tables are the best source for answers to your questions.
This tutorial is separated into sections. You are welcome to watch the entire video, but I am aware it is quite lengthy. Because of this, I have indicated the sections below as a mini Chapter List. Please enjoy and best of luck when you play Craps!
The times listed below indicate the starting point for the individual sections, not the length of the sections. Please feel free to skip around and watch the sections which interest you!
Introduction- 00:00:00
Chips, Buttons, Puck- 00:00:52
Dice Probabilities and Explanation- 00:03:17
Basic Betting: The Pass Line- 00:06:16
Basic Betting: The Come Line- 00:13:54
Basic Betting: Don’t Pass Bar- 00:20:41
Basic Betting: Don’t Come Bar- 00:26:11
(CORRECTION: The Don’t Pass and Don’t Come bets are removable at the player’s discretion.)
Basic Betting: Place Bets- 00:31:03
Basic Betting: Big 6 & 8- 00:40:59
Basic Betting: The Field- 00:43:48
Basic Betting: Proposition Bets- 00:49:05
Example of Play: No Strategy Leads to Losing All My Money- 00:59:44
Example of Play: This Time, I Actually Have A Nice Win!- 01:34:06
In Conclusion- 02:04:42
Please watch: “Exciting New Card Game! Nuclear Bro-Liferation!”
Source: YouTube