Craps Strategy Video Information:
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wow! made money as cold as that table! excellent strategy! However, in the casino, I know you would have switched sides early on and played the don't side and made a real fortune!!!
Hey buddy definitely great strategy to play on $5 table or any table if you have the rite bank. Played $64 across & pulled down win on number & won over 25% at harrahs in Florida bubble craps. Myself & my wife are gonna meet you at the beau rivage” one day. Again you are the best & your strategies if played rite are tough to beat as long as you have ability to change when a strategy is not working. They don’t have any live tables in NY as of yet” 1-5 years they are taking bids now on casino’s in NY. AC bad long ride 3 hours away! Anyway” all the best Waylon” Sincerly Frankie & Martine 🙂
One more thing Waylon just watched your two tickets to paradise definitely a great strategy to play at the $100 level or any level” Sincerely Frankie & Martine:-)
I can't believe it!! Most unbelievable craps video you've done. My word. I'm off to the table right now.
Everyone 7’s out sooner or later the dice Gods are in charge an any betting strategy will win money if the dice are Hot more or less depending on how much you are willing to risk 🎲🎲
Great strategy Waylon! I think it would be great if you showed your favorite strategy when YOU'RE shooting. Show us what a good DI could do with a great strategy. I just sit out most of the time when Randy shoots.
Now that was a comeback brother!!! Resilient brother!!
That wasn't Randy throwing the 🎲🎲 , that was a pathetic stranger… Waylon, I watched this Bubble craps Luxor (Vegas) video last night… This machine was putting out 7 outs & 11`s, one after the other threw out the whole video. I couldn't believe it. Something tells me these Bubble machines can be rigged (set up like the slots )…I hope I'm wrong… …Spike Sousa, Old Naples.
Are they PSO or POS 😂?
Got an idea for a strat: Ladder the loser with the inside, but after the shooter gets 3 hits (turns profit), you start the 4 & 10 kamikaze. 5 & 6 press the 4, 8 & 9 press the 10. Go home when that 4 or 10 hit. 🤝
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