Craps Strategy Video Information:
Light 2 Dark – Craps Betting Strategy is a transitional strategy. You start with a $44 inside bet and after a couple of hits you make two additional Don’t Come bets. As you hit your place bets, collect the winnings and regress them down one unit at a time. After three place bet wins make your first don’t come bet for 4 units followed by a second don’t come bet of two units. This strategy positions you to win with a few place bets, then have don’t come bets in place when the 7 out is likely coming sooner than later.
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I like what your trying to accomplish with the Don't Come bets. I think it is best to only have one Don't Come bet working at any given time though. Two or more Don't Come bets at one time is too many. It is not good. So instead of having just one number against you with one D.C. bet, you now have two numbers against you. It would have been better to make just one $30 D.C. bet (6 units) instead of two D.C. bets. Unfortunately, in this example both of your D.C. numbers were rolled. You can also chose your own numbers to not come by Laying them. For example Laying the 4 or 10.. Of course the Lay pays different than the D.C, but at least you get to chose your own number.
Don’t forget to tip. That’s a lot of work for the boys
I'm a counter & observer. I will try to count the 7 or 6 & 8. If I haven't had a 7 for 10 rolls, I may progressively bet the 7. During this time I am observing other #s, the 6 & 8, or the 10 & 4 or any # you choose. I don't like the idea of progressive betting, but have had success with it nonetheless, if I am counting. Actually you get more action then you think you would once you start betting because at the same time your betting, you're also counting other numbers. Initially the wait can be fairly long, but once you get started, if you're counting/tracking more than one number there's quite a bit of action.
What do you think? I always thought the main objective is to make money. it
If I’ve learned anything playing craps, is that it doesn’t matter what “strategy” your playing, it all depends on the way the dice are rolling. If any of us could tell when a hot roll was coming, we’d all be rich. I will say this, though, if you watch the game and pay attention to the shooters, then you’d know a little better on when or who, to bet on and when not to bet. I always, watch at least one full round of shooters and size up the players before I bet on them. It also gives me an idea of whether I want to bet on the dark side or not. I am very superstitious, (I know, I’m weird like that). But it has proven right more times than not. My husband and I don’t even play at the same casino’s at the same time because we’re such bad luck for each other. Again, weird but that’s how I roll.
Not a bad strategy for someone who’s a beginners, which i am for sure. For me, one of the hardest things to deal with is simply keeping up with betting! The tables move fast, not allowing for much critical thinking, so i say try and keep it simple to keep up with? Until i can throw with “deadly” intentions and master the betting, have a basic approach for calculating bets! I really enjoy the videos, thank you!!
A nice video. Like the strategy. I would just pull out all my place bets after three wins. Why leave them when we are betting on don't come?
Another great video, thanks!
This is a win/win strategy if you limit exposure to place bets. After come-out(s) count to 3/4 rolls & pull 4 units off place bets ($44 inside). After the next 3/4 rolls then all place bets down. Note: watch for a table pattern on 6/8 hits, so you can move $22 inside to $12 place bets on 6&8. Work the win/regress too and just move remaining bets to numbers showing. The two Don't Comes are great, but consider the Don't Pass if you're getting quick sevens. Good Luck!
Two hits is enough.
It's a good strategy but there's a channel uncle Angelo has untra conservative light to dark