Craps Strategy Video Information:
This channel is focused on strategy roll outs and Strategy development and focuses on showing how well a strategy can hold up to a table, whether Hot, Cold, or Choppy, and tries to show the viability/ strength of certain plays, and how or when one should change their style of play. I attempt to set and shoot the dice and am still working on that skill set. I enjoy rolling out strategies that are submitted by viewers and subscribers, as it let you know if your method of thinking works, other than using apps. Never know, your strategy might just be the One, to beat the Casino. Thank you for watching the videos. Until Next Time, Talk to you Later.
This video is for entertainment purposes only. I am not a professional gambler; I roll out these strategies for the fun and love of the game. I only gamble with disposable income, and do not promise profit with the strategies I play. There are NO guaranteed/ 100% winning system. All ways of playing can lose. If you believe yourself to have a gambling addiction, please seek help. National Problem Gambling Helpline 1-800-522-4700 Call Text or Chat
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Source: YouTube

Thanks Chris, that was a good rollout and demonstration of your strategy. Adopting ideas from various strategies into your own “go to” strategy is also what I do and the way you played this is similar to one of my “go to” plays (but with a smaller bankroll and smaller initial outlay). If I hit the subscribe and like every time you hit the five/one mixer, Youtube unsubscribes and unlikes, subscribes and likes, unsubscribes and unlikes…etc. LOL…Everytime I watch a video I hit like, unless I really didn’t like it at all and I am already subscribed. Please keep the good content coming. Cheers. Rob
nice roll👍repeaters. 4 points made Congratulations @SideShowGamble,
Nice video brother and nice shooting! I like this strategy!
Nice video brother and nice shooting! I like this strategy!
I play this on Occasion. The only difference is, if I hit the 4 or 10 for the $50. I Press those two to up to $50 each. This way if I hit back to back, I can drop $10 and Press $110 Inside.
If I don’t it’s $66 – $88 and then $110 Pressure then Regress
Nice video Chris with good results. As always a PSO puts you in a hole but you avoided that . This one is probably ready for the Wildwood. Lol
I Like the strategy Chris.. thanks for sharing… 3 hits brother. That sweet spot😎
Nice roll Chris. And good strategy.
Very cool strategy. Just about exactly what I am comfortable doing except I go usually with about $700. So I like to go $160 across (just one step lower with the 4/10 still a buy). 3 hits and down, go $66 inside with a hard 4/10, or I just take the first hit, throw in $10 and place the 4/10 for $15 each. From there is the collect and full press game until I get to black chip winning level on a number. Expert the 5/9, I always press them to $86 each for an even $120.
Great rollout and seems like you and I think alike on a lot of this stuff!