Craps Strategy Video Information:
We will ride the streaks with this craps betting strategy that follows the streaks of the dice. This craps betting strategy is called the Double Cross. You start with a $5 Pass line bet, if it loses twice in a row, you switch over and start betting the Don’t Pass. Anytime you win two line bets in a row, you bump up your bet to $25 and ride the streak until it loses and you drop back down to a $5 bet. Again if you lose for a second time you switch to the other line bet, or “Double Cross”
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Source: YouTube

With this system, I’d get up $50 and color up. Simply because I’m frugal. Take the money and run philosophy. Ty for your vids tho! I love em!
This is the worst "strategy" I have ever heard.
Great content.
Finally a strategy that won.
what is the longest streak of dont pass or passline anyone has got?
I'm trying to get through all your videos but I wish you'd stop giving me more strategies that I want to try. At this rate, I'll need a 2000 dollar bankroll to try all the ones I want to. Lol
Every roll is random. Strategies based on streaks make no sense to me. Why would I go from 5 to 25 after 2 wins? Don't understand.
I am one of these crazy superstitious players and it aways happens when I change from do to don’t, then the dice change and all I’d be doing is loosing money. Lol. When the dice have turned “cold”, I’ll move to the don’t just to prove a point and typically the dice will do a 180 and be back on track again. I know it sounds crazy but it happens all the time. I know this may be just coincidence but when it happens over and over again, I have to wonder…. love what you do and I talk about your channel all the time to fellow craps players or to someone who wants to learn how to play.
Kinda boring just do this on the roulette black and red
Casino bosses enjoy grinding out the grinders. But I like this strategy. And it's not really a grinding strategy if you press more after winning
This one i night actually try