Craps Strategy Video Information:
Watch as we put my Hybrid Random Roller Craps Betting Strategy to the test with no one other than Mrs. Money Shot. We practice daily to see how we can improve our Craps Strategies against the random rollers in the Casinos. Does the Hybrid Craps Strategy work or does it fail going against the random craps roller? Watch and See till the end.
“May the Dice be Nice”…..HCS
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For behind the scenes HCS footage go to Chef Dice and Mar-nster YouTube Channels.
If you have specific questions for me, you can email me at hawaiicrapsshooters@gmail
Source: YouTube

I like the strategy, fade the 3-1on the come out, move to a modified cross with a hopping 5, if no 7 on comeout roll. Then, move to a 44 inside with a hard 4 and 10. Given the number of rolls 2 soft 4s and being on the no 4 for 1 is about what you would expect.
Awesome video Hybrid
thats solid rolling,wouldnt say random thats some good form lol ,great video
24:19 winner 4, then 6 is new point. After aces ,hard 6 is winner. Then a 7 is the last roll which is come out
Any way to play this strategy with less money just curious
What is the vig on a $140 Lay bet on the 10?
Why are you saying short roll?
Please run this system on a $15 table
Nice one bro how does shooters, shoot without the pass no money on pass line ?