10 thoughts on β€œThe Grave Digger! It just makes money πŸ€‘πŸ’°πŸ€‘πŸ’°πŸ€‘β€

  1. I love the way you use the math of the game – you would have made one hell of a math teacher in high school- and graduated a lot of crap playersπŸ˜‚

  2. Waylon love your channel. I have been working on this type of strategy for about a year. But I have a LARGE Lay on #5 (711) with 22 vig. I play the iron cross while leaving the lay #5. For about 2-3 rolls then regress. Love your strategies.

  3. Brilliant strategy for a Choppy Table… and A Good Choppy Table strategy is The hardest to make!

    The King of Craps Strategies did it again! Huge wins with this tough one!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

    One of your best Waylon!

  4. Waylon, I know you can scale this to any amt but at the level you did here you think 5k br is enough? You are using 5k, are you prepared to lose 5k or do you stop loss? And 400 ea on 4 and 10 , rather lose 325 lol.. 4 and 10 seem to come too often sometimes

  5. I Like it,I πŸ€” think I Love it & I think πŸ€” I'm gonna want a Hell of A lot more of it ? I got the sets to roll a Seven,I just need to find a set that AVOIDS the 4 & 10 because I seem to roll alot of them with a variety of different sets like your 35/56 set for instance.I roll a bunch of 4 & 10's with that set.πŸ˜† So I use it when playing The " WGS " from the Don't Passline 😊 Great Strategy Brother Just Awesome 🎲 🎲 πŸ’΅ πŸ’° Btw…If you didn't already figure it out,this is Troy,,,,hoppinhoudini is my new handle πŸ˜‰ since I love to Hop #'s so much,thought it was kinda cool and fitting & I could go incognito πŸ˜‰

  6. Im glad i found your channel. I like your way of playing….. This one is way Legit.. i tried it on a simulator,(but wasnt able to turn off my bets when i wanted) and it seemed like i was ziggin back n forth with my bankroll,,, but when those 7's n craps hit at the right times.. a total booster shot. Bankroll constantly creeped up.. πŸ‘.. thanks for showing everyone this….cant wait to try it live…

  7. At wynn right now. I got killed. Dug me a grave and thru me in it. Fricken come out 4 and 10 was rolled 6 out of 9 ish rolls and there's no coming back from that. When Down 3k or so it's a huge up him battle. Can't win it back at 100 at a time. Need those come out 7s. I got zero. Couldn't even get a couple hits. When I did get a couple hits I then waited for the 7 and hit the number lol.. down 5k in no time. My results were opposite Waylon.
    Good avg net though for comps lol..
    Figured ok, that happens so went back to another table 30 min later and same thing. Crushed.. That's ok that bad happens..
    Was on tilt so kept it simple and went to play dark side only with odds and over the course of the night won back 3k or so.

  8. Waylon… ran the numbers on this and it’s basically a break even with the 7 and 4 & 10…

    Rolled this out at green chip level and make between $500-$950 per hour. Sound about right?πŸ€”

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