Craps Strategy Video Information:
This craps strategy here gave me a fighting chance at the Casinos from our last trip out to Las Vegas. It helped me survive the countless hours and days of Craps Sessions that we battled through. The Hedge protection is key here which helps protect your bankroll from the short 1, 2, 3 rolls that we commonly see at the Craps tables, but the best part of this Craps Strategy is when you are able to “Hog” up the profits and wins which the HCS Hedgehog Craps Strategy allows you to press your bets quicker and faster so that you can capitalize on any Monster Roll when they do come.
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Source: YouTube

Never, ever place bet the 4 or 10. ALWAYS BUY it for 39 with $1 vig
As your numbers bets get increased by 50% should you increase your don't 4 and your hard 4 to help offset when the 7 comes. Great video by the way. Thanks
Coming from a random roller. I have tried a couple Casinos you featured ( Freemont and Alliente ) Great results triple my money and loved casino's and Dealers. I also let them know that is your channel got me into their casino.
Hey Money, just noticed on your vids that you guys never place Come Bets, only Place Bets. Can you please tell me your reasoning for this?
if you have place bets in the coming out roll, do you get paid? I understood place bets were off in the coming out roll
Great video. Except #210 lay on 4. Vig is $5 not $6
I like this and I’m going to do it. However, I don’t think I will work in the Come Out because a 7 would be very lucrative! Especially on a table with a bunch of random rollers! Heck, I might even Hop the easy 4 on the come out!
This could work if you have a set and throw where the easy 4 comes up even less often. I use the straight sixes and a whip shot to tank the easy 10. But the 7’s show up more often.
The vig for $210 lay is still $5 not $6…….from 71-90 vig $4…91-110 vig $5..
Love watching and love the live crags games.