Craps Strategy Video Information:
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At the 10 minute mark I would have been jumping and clicking my heels out the door lol. I like messing around with stuff like that on my home table, but i dont got the cods to do it at the casino lol.
Very entertaining! So much fun to watch these big bets…Congratulations for 5k
I love it! Going to give it a try, but at the green chip level. You’re the best, Waylon!
Was great to meet you Waylon. Hope your dad paid for gas 😉
Love your vids Randy and roll-out mAny of your strategies on my table. Can you come up with a strategy that incorporates the '7'? We both know its comin' and when. I feel it i bet the 7 cause it pays 5 to 1, where i play. That bet saved my bankroll several times, especially when i had several hundred bet on it!
Thought for sure you were going to add the 4&10 after the 9's were rockin' the rafters. Oops, I'll stay quiet
Sweet potato pie!!!! oh my! Love this strategy. Huge returns!!!
Wow, this strategy can make a lot of money quickly. I think I will play it Saturday before taking my mother in-law out for dinner (grin;). I do love her.
Good Afternoon Waylon, That was a great 🎲🎲 practice session…In reality, I know you would have been on the way to the house with the first 2,700 profit… Thanks brother cool video, Old Naples🌴🎨
I'm gonna call this one Marie Luveax cause if I tried it, EEEEeeeyah, another bankroll gone! Haha