Craps Strategy Video Information:
The Hawaii Craps Shooters Crew are back at the beautiful Green Valley Ranch Resort Spa and Casino in Henderson Nevada and we brought some friends with us and one of them happens to be a 2 time Golden Arm winner at the California Hotel and Casino. Uncle Ben, has his name on two plaques at the Golden Arm Wall of Fame for holding the dice for more than 60+ minutes on two separate occasions. An amazing feat that many people chase every time they get on the Craps table.
Although we didn’t get to see him or better yet, be betting on the same table as Uncle Ben when he won the 2 Golden Arms, you all get to at least see him in Live Action as we all roll together at the Green Valley Ranch Resort Spa and Casino.
If you haven’t been to the GVR or played at the Craps tables, their craps tables are one of our favorites. With 10 times odds and the All Tall Small Bonus bets you have the chance to make some good money. Also their dealers are friendly and very good. They are one of the fastest Craps dealers in Vegas and I am not just saying that. Watch and see for yourself.
“May the Dice be Nice”…..HCS
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Follow us on IG and FB @Hawaii Craps Shooters
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Source: YouTube

Never seen so many land mines since Normandy. Great job Uncle Ben
Wonder what dice set Uncle Ben was using???? 3v? 2V??
I watched this like 3 times just Uncle Ben's part to try and copy his throwing motion and I noticed that there are so many jokes during his roll haha. I missed most of them while watching the stream. John G Jr haha too funny!
Enjoy watching but you need to FF between rolls sometime toooo long
I finally caught an Uncle Ben Monster Roll!!! Lol!!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but do I see people video taping this game in the background
Did you get special permission to do this because Most casinos frown upon it ?
One day….maybe one day I will have the pleasure to meet up and watch you all live
Awesome video, I played at Green Valley Ranch over this last weekend for the first time and the staff was top notch 👍
A great video one of the best yet, what a shooter.
Awesome Job Uncle Ben was an honor to have roll with you 🤙 MS loosened up your arm too stiff 🤙