10 thoughts on “Win Ranked With 𝖲̶𝖪̶𝖨̶𝖫̶𝖫̶ STRATEGY! -SMITE Loki Ranked

  1. Imagine thinking that you're winning, but you lose because you forgot that you need to kill the titan to win.

  2. This Nike is every solo experience I ever had. Diving me in tower w a full wave at 30 seconds into the game. Ignoring wave to spam me over and over until they kill themselves under my tower lol

  3. "That was the luckiest Anher jump in the entire game"
    Anher: proceedes to miss entire Ult on a chronos that did not even notice him

  4. I just want to let you know, I fell in love with splitpushing/backdooring and all my last games have been Loki or Apollo if Loki isn’t open, people hate me and said I was copying u they also told me that’s tragic, I also won the game for them. Having so much fun, ty

  5. “Luckiest Anhur jump I’ve ever seen” has knockup immunity in his kit would’ve easily killed him if he actually played and built his role

  6. “Ravana what are you doing where are you going help the fight” is selfishly split pushing as full damage solo

  7. Genuine question, why do you play solo if you’re just going to use this play style against low elo players? Play jungle and actually play your role and you’d both die less and not piss your teammates off. Can still grab TP as second relic

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