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Source: YouTube

“Bye now”
Lol it’s a martingale for craps
Holy math, Batman!
i guess great for your rating but why not just start with $10 in the field and martingale up until you win? If all your doing is trying to win $10. you'll get more than 4 rounds before you hit table max too. That's insanity
So why was he not buying the 9 & 5 at the higher levels cost a bit less. Unless I missed that
It is a martingale, and usually there shouldn’t be so many levels. I have seen a guy start with $205 iron cross, hit twice and he would get $35 a hit. He would take his bets down (70 winnings) then place $66 across.
But if he lost his $205, he would then place $300 on 5 $360 on both 6 and 8, and put $210 in the field. This is a martingale. his total bet of $1230.
I thought he had nerves of steel. He was more successful then I was that day. But the fellow crap shooters and the dealers didn’t like his play. I admired it. Your thoughts?
if the player had that much of a bank roll he should star at level 4 then regress down two levels after one hit
Is this player part of the Hawaii Craps Shooters?
Poor audio