Craps Tips Video Source:
Sweet 49 $25 table don’t miss this one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Source: YouTube

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Awesome strategy! Keep up the great work!
If you get a chance check out craps nation, you should join our group, you would fit right in!
I really like your video!! They have helped!!
I have had some casino not let me play both lights and dark!!
Interesting strategy. Being stuck at a $25 table might not be a bad thing. Thank for the video.
Another great strategy, I must admit you have the best strategies I’ve seen on YouTube. I think I will modify this strategy a tiny bit. What I will do is make both the 6 & the 8 look like $42 on the first time either one hits. So I would only collect $11 and use $24 to press both numbers up to $42. This will allow me to take advantage of the next hits and I will be able to press up the 5 and the 9 faster. Keep up the good work and best of luck to you in Vegas. Try to pick tables with good shooters.
Good video good presentation. As a novice from the UK i am hoping for lower limits on my next trip to Las Vegas.