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Welcome to our NEW SHOW! 5 Minute CRAPS where we take on the crappiest 5 Minute Crafts we can find! Crap is about to hit the fan.
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If you call them out on their bs on Facebook they will normally respond with a gif or an emoji and call it a burn.
i knew it!!! that 5 minutes crap…absoluately a damn Hoax!!!
Am I watching a live action adaptation of Rick and Morty? If so, well… I like it. Nothing matters, so love it. Koooolsies
This was actually freaking hilarious! Not that I doubted anyone could debunk most of these 5 minute crafts but you had me laughing so hard
5:39 you lovein threw the cat
The “Gas Can Backpack”, the latest in terrorist fashion.
Oh my gosh how am I just now finding out about this dude 😂😂😂😂 he's awesome, also yes 5 min crafts bad
Why even bother wrapping up the alcohol
I really like the idea behind this video, and probably would’ve subscribed, but the language is ridiculous. Every other word is the f-word. My daughter watches 5 Minute Crafts and I would’ve loved to have been able to show her these videos.